Amazing Things

Lumen launched in September 2020 with a mission to further human progress through technology. By the end of 2021, however, the “human” in “human progress” had fallen to the wayside. Our team was tasked with producing a series of videos for our annual Analyst and Leadership forums that explored the Lumen Platform from a human POV - showing how technology can inspire, enable and innovate in the pursuit of “Amazing Things”. Ultimately, the videos were so well received they became the basis for a broader internal push, culminating in the visuals and theme for Kate Johnson’s first all-hands as Lumen CEO.

David Ashton (Copy Manager)
Anthony Kotecki (Content Lead)
Caleb Long (Content Lead)
Megan Mitchell (Senior Copywriter)
Brant Rios (Video Manager)
Brad Arender (Art Director)
Chris Chiabotti (Sr. Video Producer)
Moria Fredrickson (Senior Creative Director)
Scott Horst (VP Brand, Creative & Digital)
Jiselle Martinez (Project Manager)